For a Recent Year
(in millions)
Filmed Entertainment $ 7,631
Television 4,228
Cable Network Programming 7,038
Direct Broadcast Satellite Television 3,802
Magazines and Inserts 1,192
Newspapers and Information Services 6,087
Book Publishing 1,269
Other 1,531
Total revenues $32,778
a. Provide a vertical analysis of the product segment revenues.
b. Are the revenues of News Corporation diversified or concentrated within a product segment? Explain.

For a Recent
(in millions) Percent
Filmed Entertainment $ 7,631 23.3%
Television 4,228 12.9%
Cable Network Programming 7,038 21.5%
Direct Broadcast Satellite Television 3,802 11.6%
Magazines and Inserts 1,192 3.6%
Newspapers and Information Services 6,087 18.6%
Book Publishing 1,269 3.9%
Other 1,531 4.7%
Total revenues $32,778 100.0%
b. News Corporation is very diversified. The Filmed Entertainment segment has the largest percent of revenues to total revenues at 23.3%. This is a low percent for a single segment, suggesting little concentration. In addition, four additional segments have a percent of revenues to total revenues in excess of 10% (Television, Cable Network Programming, Direct Broadcast Satellite Television, and Newspapers and Information Services). The three smallest segments total 12.2% (3.6% + 3.9% + 4.7%) of revenues to total revenues. Overall, News Corporation is a highly diversified entertainment company, deriving significant revenues from multiple sources.
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